Friday 14 January 2011

BlogalongaBond The Sicklist Bondometer

Last week, the new Bond film was announced for release in November 2011. The incredibly astute and oh mighty leader of BondalongaBlog, IncredibleSuit, hit upon a splendid idea to review a 007 film each month in the lead-up to the latest installment being released (it's 22 months and there are 22 films, you see?). Being a big fan of 007, I decided to join in.

As far as I can see there has never been an adequate system for ordering the films from best to worst, as James Bond films are notoriously subjective in their appeal. Therefore, I have come up with, what I believe, will be the definitive standard by which all films in the canon will be measured.

Ladies and gentlemen...I give you The Sicklist Bondometer.

The Bondometer takes what would be recognised as the essential elements of Bond, and gives each a rating out of 10, (with the exception of the kill count, which is a simple addition process of addition):

Evil mastermind: The dastardliness of the scheme and fiendishness of character.
Henchman/woman: How memorable they are or how unique their special ability/disability.
Gadgets: How useful, and future-proof, they turned out to be.
Girl: A Bond girl must be rated on their looks, their ability to get in the way, and their scream (NB, while most films have Bond sleeping with a handful of women, this is a family site and so will focus on the one he ends the film with - we can at least then assume he will be in a committed relationship until the next film).
One Liner: Quotability, political incisiveness and cheese factor (except, not political incisiveness).
Usage of Q and/or Moneypenny: Q and Moneypenny are as much a part of Bond folklore as Martinis and Aston Martins (they also provide the best scenes).
Kill Count: A counting, or approximate estimation - looking at you Thunderball - of how many kills Bond accomplishes (must be by his own hand).
Crazy, mental stunt: How cool the films coolest stunt is (can include the pre-credits scene).
Credits: Rated on both the song and the visuals.
Sicklist rating: The classic sicklist system of how much better the film will make you feel.

Bond...James Bond:
A mark will be deducted for every 10mins of the film before this hallowed line is uttered.

These results will then be added to give a final score, finally answering conclusively the age-old question of which is the best Bond film.

I hope you enjoy the next 22 months as much as I will.

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