Saturday, 17 July 2010


Inception - 10/10

Inception is officially my favourite film of the year. Which, given the offerings to date, isn't that impressive. If I say it's the best since Dark Knight (ooh, hang on... theme?) that gives you a better idea. Avatar - yep, incredible world, mind blowing effects, and totally immersive. But as a complete film, Inception is the one on another planet.

Synopsis? Nearly impossible without losing you. Basics - Dom Cobb (DiCaprio) is an expert at invading people's dreams, though it has made him a fugitive. In an offer at redemption he is tasked with planting a thought in a man's subconscious, a dangerous process which requires him to delve deep into the dream world - where things go mental. That'll do.

Top Five reasons to see Inception TODAY:

1 - Chris Nolan - The most imaginative, creative and entertaining director working today. Has never done a bad film and keeps getting better. With a film that has more layers than an ogre, Nolan never loses contact with the central premise, weaving an intricate pattern effortlessly, leading to a most satisfying conclusion. Nolan is also believed to be the only director made entirely of gold.

2 - Effects - When rooms spin and cities fold, you are witnessing some of the most original and exhilarating action sequences since The Matrix.

3 - Ideas - Key to Inception-viewing - Concentrate! In a summer of Marvel and A-Team rip-offs, Inception makes you think, think, and think some more, but never once stops entertaining. It is very rare to find such truly original work in Hollywood these days.

4 - Leo and co - Once again Nolan has assembled a brilliant ensemble cast. With lucky charm Sir Caine fulfilling his now traditional mentor role, the cast list also boasts Ellen Page, Ken Watanabe and Cillian Murphy, all turning in fine performances. The movie, however, is centered around a confident performance from Leo who, Titanic days well and truly behind him, is fast becoming a talent to rival the De Niros and Pacinos. DiCaprio keeps the constant movement grounded, providing an emotional centre to a film which could so easily lose sight of it's heart, but never does.

5 - It's really good - Inception really is a complete movie. Despite the necessarily heavy exposition, the film moves along at great pace, interweaving multiple timescales and locations seamlessly and often simultaneously. Sweeping, expansive shots of vast city-scapes, an evocative and beautifully positioned score, compelling action mixed with compelling characters, all mingle to create a movie that truly is a dream.

See it once, then see it again.

Monday, 12 July 2010


Predators - 5/10

Black ops guy Royce (Brody) finds himself dropped (in one of the film's few original sequences) into a jungle which also happens to be the game reserve for the Predator race. Joined by a handful of suitably cliched cannon fodder (silent Asian assassin, murdering swine, Danny Trejo), their one purpose is to be game for what turns out to be a more advanced race of Predator. And so let the bloodfest ensue, complete with aggressive posturing, waving of big guns and the certainty that few will survive.

Anyone who really dislikes suprises will be pleased to hear that Predators does exactly what it says on the tin - Predator with an 's'. Which isn't neccessarily a bad thing. After all, the original (and we will avoid all mention of any other predator films here!) is a strong contender for "Best damn action film ever". If something is worth doing right, it's worth doing right twice.

Comparisons with the Alien/Aliens model are inevitable. But while Cameron reworked the Alien premise to become something more epic and dynamic, here Director Nimrod Antal fails to deliver much more than a simple retooling of the original - complete even with a topless hero finale (though seeing an admittedly buff Brody can only draw unfavourable comparisons with Arnie!)

If you like your films aggressive, mindless and wildly entertaining, mixed with a bit of Laurence Fishburn as an out-and-out loon, then look no further, your popcorn delight is here. While left wide open for a sequel, any further outings for our fanged friends will have to have a little more creative bite to them - perhaps Predators take over an prison colony filled with extremist religious fanatics?